I was in Vegas last weekend for work and I totally avoided the Strip. Well, I drove through it once, but that was on my fast drive out of the city to the airport. I have to say that Vegas is a cesspit of iniquity. (I wonder if that is just repetitive.) Anyway, the real injustice of the weekend is that while I was in Vegas for a physician meeting the weather was mid-60s and overcast, but in NYC it was sunny and 80. What's up with that? That is so wrong. SO WRONG.
Also what is wrong with Vegas:
- $4 bottles of water
- Your boogers turn into little bricks in side your nose in seconds
- Everyone looks haggard from gambling and drinking all day and night
- BUFFETS of nothing to eat
- It costs $40 to do anything there (O wait, that is the same as NYC)
What is great about Vegas:
- My hair looked awesome. It responded well to the dry climate.
- Cacti
- Red Rocks
See the ridiculously dark hotel room I stayed in!

See the construction view of my hotel room!

See the photos I took WHILE driving!

HAIKUS from Frynn
no sudoku to
pass the time during meeting
I need a new job
Simplicity of
words not found in my meeting
shut up already
meetings suck without
haikus to write since I can
not draw or doodle
This week's horoscopes go out to:
Frandy - I sure hope you can eat something soon
Frynn - great haikus
Frichelle - graduation is right around the bend!
Check out your free horoscopes at:
Free Will Astrology
Horoscopes for week of April 26, 2007
By Rob Brezsny
© 1995-2004, Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved.