Monday, December 17, 2012

Vaccinations SAVE LIVES

This is in response to The New York Times article, "Vaccine Rule Is Said to Hurt Health Efforts" (12/17/12)

Please educate yourselves before making a foolish decision as forcing single dose vaccines or not giving your child the chance to survive against many deadly diseases. These multidose vials are the best way to counteract childhood diseases across the world. Yes, it is the least expensive as well, but for those who don't know, to change to single dose vials would raise the price of vaccines exponentially. Childhood diseases once rare are now coming back with a vengeance. For example, whooping cough is running rampant across the nation. 

I can't stress this enough:  THIMEROSAL DOES NOT CAUSE AUTISMMany clinical trials have proven that thimerosal does not cause autism. Per one clinical investigator: 
"Most of the children in the study had blood mercury levels of 1 or 2 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml); the highest level, found in one child, was 4.11 ng/ml. By comparison, the most stringent public safety limit, established by the Environmental Protection Agency, is above 5.8 nanograms per milliliter. That number itself is a small fraction of the amount that scientists believe is the level of mercury that would actually harm a child." 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

TV Is addictive


(c) 2006 Pockafwye

dream before I woke:  i was back at school, first day, moving into my dorm room, which looked like a ratty new york apartment with bad windows.  I had roommates but they weren't around and I didn't know who they were. My friends were hanging with me when some of the lights go out.  We find the fuse and they weren't blown.  Then I see the vacuum plugged into the wall.  The super comes up and says that is the problem.  even though the vacuum wasn't runnning, leaving it plugged in the wall made the electricity in the room overload.  (is this some sort of dire warning to me? i got lotssss of outlet strips) Also I had a pet mouse/lizard which freaked out everyone in the dorm.  I didn't know how to take care of her.  I went to the outdoor fair where there was a vet stall and they said she will need this leaf-shell like home .  I asked if she would make her own, and they said yes, eventually (oops - she had, but I had stepped on it) and I got some special canned food.

Then I woke up.

I am going to fix all of the electrical cords in my apartment now.  Have a good day.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Because I don't want to talk about my cat all the time on Facebook or in person, I am going to post pictures of her here.  Because she is adorable.  And crazy.  And sweet. I lurrrrrrve her.

She loves this bag.  She's been hiding in things lately.  She also has been hiding underneath a blanket on the couch.  She's so weird.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Only in New York

I was in a cab going uptown and I couldn't help myself from photographing a couple of gems

My favorite is the deli which has cartoon character food who look frightened to soon be eaten. And just to make sure you understand what they are selling, they have the tag line: "Beer and Healthy Food Bar."

I love this city.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

HI ALL - I survived Sandy quite well, but so many people around the tri-state area have lost homes, some of lost lives and many are without power, fresh water, etc. It's a real mess here in the tri-borough area but it's devastating in NJ.   It's not great but people are pulling together.  

As for me, it's been health crisis 2012, but luckily I've been bouncing back.  There is no real other way to bounce really.  Anyway, the new thing this year is sleep apnea!  So I went for my apnea test and then I went for my cpap test.  here's me during my cpap (I almost wrote clap) test.  i look like a robotic pig.  

So I hope you are all well, wherever you are.  And keep bouncing...


Sunday, August 12, 2012

I'm back from outer space!


I'm all drugged up so I may not make sense.  I have to retype every third word because I push the wrong buttons.

So the surgery went well. I don't remember any of it and I only found out what the exact procedure was a couple of days ago:  the procedure I had is called an anterior cervical discectomy.

And over all it's good.  I still have pain around the left side of neck, but it's nothing like it used to be.  Now I only have problems swallowing.  So I am spending my time eating popsicles and reading some books that have been building up in my kindle queue.

One new thing I did learn about myself is I am VitaminD deficient and was told to go sit out in the sun as soon as I can. Who's with me?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cats & Surgery

Hi all -


I publicly promised to not get another cat until way after my spinal surgery (which is tomorrow), but you know I have no will power.

I returned Auggie to the place I adopted him because he need a lot more attention than I can give him and he deserves that.  And I deserve to sleep through the night without getting my feet and head chewed on every hour.  Siamese cats need, crave and demand attention and I think the person at said adoption org should have heard me when I said, "I am not home for 12 hours per day.  Will this cat be ok???"  When I retuned Auggie, the ASPCA intake person said, "Oh, they shouldn't have matched you with Auggie."  YOU THINK?

Well, we said goodbye and I am sure Auggie will find a more appropriate home - he's just too damn beautiful.

And Auggie likes to bite and scratch, which he did when I put him in the carrier.  And he broke skin - so I had to find a GP to give me a tetanus shot and antibiotics. While I was having lunch, wasting time before my MD appt, another very respectable adoption org called me, excited about my application.  Now I must mention that I was VERY honest on my application - I wanted a lazy cat, who wanted lots of affection, a lap cat, and who could tolerate being alone for 12 hours a day.  The org said they had the perfect cat for me and can I come see the cat?  Now, I was just planning to just see the cat.  Really.  Truly.

Since I had time to kill before the MD appt and the org was on my way, I stopped in.  Now the org is famously known for being ridiculously picky about who gets to adopt their pets.  They have rejected many and have turned away pets that people want to give up for adoption because they are picky about the ones they choose for in-take.  And they never allow same-day adoption.  Except for me :)  Because I got a 50-foot neon "Sucker" sign on my forehead.

And seriously, Nomi was as advertised.  Lazy, loving cat.  Now she also is ridiculously timid and she is  SLOOOOOWLY getting used to the noises in my apartment/building. However, she hides when people show up.  I hope that..oh say in a year, maybe 2, she will be less timid.  :)

In the meantime, she is one terrific cat and I have stopped my search.   Seriously.

Meet Nomi

II.  Surgery

My spinal surgery is tomorrow morning, bright and early.  I am so sick of this neck pain that I am actually looking forward to this procedure.  For those who haven't heard me moan on about this, I have several herniated discs in my neck.  I've lived with neck spasms and such for more than 10 years and after 6 months of PT last year, I decided to get my neck checked out by another orthopedist who knew their stuff. [Lesson of the day - ALWAYS get a second opinion.] That's when I heard of the disc degeneration.  After trying some non-invasive stuff, which didn't work, I finally decided to have surgery. 

My stepmom is coming up to help me out, as well as friends Frob, Frussell, and others.  I will be recuperating at home by Friday, barring any incidents.   Wish me luck :)  I'll be back online as soon as I can.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Meet Auggie

I got yet ANOTHER cat.  To those keeping track, Boo Radley passed away suddenly (xo, Boo); and Laurie, who I was fostering, was thought to be depressed was actually sick with chronic renal disease (The adoption org found her another foster who could care for her needs).  Not a good run so far.

This is Auggie (nee Armando), originally from the ASPCA.  He's a healthy, 4-y/o, 9-lb. Siamese male cat who is too smart for his own good.  Someone at work said that Siamese cats are so smart, that when I get home tonight, Auggie will have solved 10 Rubix cubes and stacked them in a pyramid-shape.  I think it is true.  It's taking a while for him to warm up to me and it's keeeeling me.  Although I want to scoop him up and squeeze him and pet him and call him George, I am trying really hard to just be calm and encouraging and provide lots of mental stimulation.  Right now, we are in the middle of a game of Trivial Purrrrsuit.

Good night, everyone in the Catskills!  I'm here all weeeek!  Try the veal!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Something I learned from FB

Someone posted on Wil Wheaton's FB page:

Dogs have owners.  Cats have staff.

Which really is true.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saying goodbye to the foster

So Laurie went to her new foster today.  It's so weird that cats know that something is up.  She spent most of the morning underneath the cat tree.  Of course, it could be because it's 100F outside, but I've got the A/C going overtime.  When the volunteer from the adoption org arrived with the carrier bag to take her to the new foster, Laurie immediately ran into the bathroom to hide.  So sad. But she is going to someone who can care for her needs.

I thought I would be more broken up, but honestly, her illness was too much to handle and luckily the adoption group found her someone quickly.

I'll be looking for another cat soon, but I need some time.  Maybe 12 hours.  We shall see.  :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Foster found, homeward bound

The adoption org has found a foster for Laurie/Esme/Butters/You/Sweetie.  I am sad about this because she is the sweetest cat, but happy because I know she will be with someone who is prepared to care for her chronic renal disease (see post "sad" for more info).  So I am going to spoil the little girl tonight and say goodbye tomorrow.


Down dog - Sun salutations to a bunny

Thursday, July 5, 2012

MC Orlando Bloom

orlando bloom
Yes, that is Orlando Bloom on the cell phone walking down the street.  Now, he looks good - a bit of a tan. Messed up hair.  Keep moving down.  Genie. Pants.  Seriously.  Genie pants.  WTH.

To each their own I guess.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012



It turns out Esme/Laurie has a UTI and chronic renal (kidney) disease.  Right now she is hanging in there and hope we can get her on the mend.

I had to make the hard decision to no longer foster her. I've been through a chronic illness with a cat already and chronic kidney disease has no cure.  For the time being however, I am still spoiling her with love and attention.  She is a total sweetheart.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Meet Foster-to-Adopt Esme (nee Laurie)

Photo on 6-30-12 at 7.11 AM

Meet Esme Weatherwax (nee Laurie*).  She is a foster-to-adopt kitty and when I met her, she was withdrawn and acted like she was sick.  The shelter thought she was severely depressed.  I wasn't too sure but fostering is a great option.  This is hour 8 and so far - doesn't look too depressed.  I think Esme is WINNING. (PS she's sleeping.  when I first met her, she was not facing people and hiding.  I think sleeping on the couch after a good meal is a big step)

*who names these cats?  I mean, Laurie?  Boo Radley's original name was Kyle.  These are names of neighbors, not cats.  Mr. Twinkle Puffy Pants - now THAT is a good name!  :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

darth vader without the helmet look-alike


I went to the doc today for my neck, which still hurts.  They gave me several options to consider and more meds :)  AND a neck brace for when I am doing activities which might stress my neck, such as sitting at a computer.  When I first saw this I thought, it looks like something from Star Wars.  And then I put it on.  And I looked like Darth Vader, without his helmet.  You know the scene - when he is dying and letting Luke know that he couldn't kill him?  What a father.

Monday, June 25, 2012

My monkey on the monkey bars

fram on monkey bars
Look at this kid!  My nephew is a strong little brick of a kid.  And yes, I have plans for him to be in the Olympics - gymnastics of course.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

All gifts are welcome - the explanation

I send out a weekly horoscope email* (horoscopes by the renown Rob Brezsny whose column is "Free Will Astrology" and can also be found here).  The beginning of the email includes some of my belly gazing thoughts.  This week however I got an email from Frannie who didn't understand the subject line or my musings.

Well, it was really obtuse and not understandable, which is what I wanted.

The subject line was:  All gifts are welcome.

This refers to a present I got from my house cleaner (whose work is not a luxury - a necessity.  I would rather pay my house cleaner than eat).  I believe she got it for me to feel better about Boo's passing.  And the gift is really touching.  And they ROCK.

They are earrings - hoop earrings to be exact.

One side of the image is:

The other side of the image is:

Transition shot:

Awesomeness.  So as the subject line explains:  All gifts are welcome.


The other thing I wrote was just a single word at the beginning of the email:  dirigible.

I was listening to a The Decemberists' song and they used the word "dirigible."  Now that's a word that doesn't get used very often and it is really fun to say.  Dirigible.  Dir-i-juh-buhl.  Try it.

This image comes from the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (1890-1907). The copyrights for that book have expired and this image is in the public domain.


*If you want to be added to my horoscope email, let me know.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Apple iTunes gives me back my audiobook

Because I explained that I stupidly erased the file, they were VERY nice about it and let me repurchase the audiobook and they will reimburse me for the total cost.  Which is fine by me.

I still don't think it is right that I can't download my own stuff.  And now they don't offer CDs for most audiobooks.  HARRIBLE.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Apple and iTunes are fixing the problem

 Squeaky wheel does get the cheese.

Apple and iTunes are bastards

I can't find an audiobook on iTunes so I requested getting a link to re-download and this is the response:

Dear Michelle,

Greetings from iTunes Store Customer Support. My name is NAME.

I understand that you would like to re download an audiobook "I Shall Wear Midnight " that you purchased previously. I am sure you are anxious at this time and I would be glad to help you on this matter.

Michelle, I've reviewed your account and I see that two re grants already been placed on your account and also this content you reported is now too old so that I can have an option to re post this item for you. Please accept my kind apologies on this matter. I wouldn't be able to assist further to get this item back on your account.

Again I apologize for the limited assistance that I could provide you on this matter. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Thank you for you interest in iTunes Store. Have a great day!


iTunes Store/Mac App Store Customer Support

I work Sunday, Monday and Thursday to Saturday, 07:00 AM to 04:00 PM CST.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you.

WTH???  I can't access material I purchased because it is old?  What? I am buying from Amazon from now on.  I don't need this bullshit.

If he is so glad to help me on this matter, then why can't he actually help?  

Apple and iTunes SUCK.  

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mongolian spots are REAL

I told someone recently about Mongolian spots and they didn't believe me.  The fable is that Genghis Khan traveled around and he and his people intermingled with various cultures.  Who knows what the real story is, but the end (har) result is that babies from those cultures are born with this bluish birthmark which does fade over time.  It shocked me when I first saw one but now when I see a Korean baby's bottom (and it doesn't happen often so don't call the police), the blue mark is there.

Wikipedia says:

"Mongolian spot, also known as "Mongolian blue spot", "congenital dermal melanocytosis",[1] and "dermal melanocytosis"[1] is abenign, flat, congenital birthmark with wavy borders and irregular shape, discovered on and named after Mongolians by Erwin Bälz.[2][3]It is also extremely prevalent among East AsiansSouth-East AsiansSouth AsiansPolynesiansNative Americans, and East Africans.[4][5] It normally disappears three to five years after birth and almost always by puberty.[6] The most common color is blue, although they can be blue-gray, blue-black or even deep brown."

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Rainbow for Boo Radley

While on my way to say goodbye, a rainbow popped up, for Boo.
Boo got sicker and sicker and went downhill pretty rapidly today.  They called me from the hospital to hurry down to say goodbye and I'm glad I got there in time to do so.  He was seriously the most chill and loving cat ever.  I may have only had a short time with him but I cherish every moment we spent.

Boo, wherever you are, know I miss you and will love you always.

Boo Radley Park

Sept. 30, 2002 - June 7, 2012

day 4: morning luvins


Monday, June 4, 2012

new socks

New socks

rain like cats and dogs
stubbornly wore my sandals
feet were cold, bought socks

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Boo not feeling well, just like his momma

Last week Boo seemed normal (see him below burying head into me while kneading my side).  But he slowly went off his feed.

Pooper kneeding in my armpit

And was sleeping too much.

BOO 5.28.12

So I took him to the hospital (peering out of his crate, wondering what the XXXX is going on).
Boo waiting at the ASPCA

I wasn't very happy either.
At ASPCA hospital. Boo is sick

This adorable pit wasn't happy either.  But she was so sweet.
Sweetest pitbull

And this terrier was like - what? it wasn't me.
Another patient at ASPCA

So we changed Boo's meds and I brought him home.  But he still wasn't feeling well.  So I brought him back to the hospital where he has been staying for the last couple days.  All tests are normal so they think it just might be a virus/upper respiratory infection coupled with an episode of his IBD.



So send good vibes to Boo Radley :)  sweetheart needs to catch a break.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Banksy's Brilliant Bush


Banksy's recent project - topiary/graffiti art.

avocado theft

and now someone took down my sign.  bah.

I did a semi-Ross

Someone in my office stole my avocado from the fridge.  I didn't put my name on it because who puts their name on an avocado.  And i didn't want to put it inside of a bag because that just seemed silly.  Well fools on me because some cheap-ass b@stid stole my freakin' avocado!

redacted angry note

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


put your right leg in and shake it all around

he sleeps like this.  big weirdo.

like a giant loaf of bread

big butt


boo hugs


From Cheezburger
From Cheezburger:

so nice, i posted twice



my favorite flower is the peony and the crop doesn't really come in until May - peak season.  I should have take a photo of these when I first got them because they were all tight balls.  Within an hour of being cut and placed in a vase, they bloomed:

my fav - peonies - bloom too fast!

And the next day, they exploded:

Lo di

so fleeting, so beautiful.