I love Futurama and this woman made the most amazing cupcakes - brain slug cupcakes! If you don't know what brain slugs are, then you don't know what you are missing... literally.
I was talking to Frannie and a Grammy ad was on the TV. Then I remembered the best Grammy performance ever. I was in a bar getting tipsy and this performance literally stopped the drinking (at least for me and my compadres).
You know, when Kellogg's first came out with the pre-packaged rice krispie treat, I thought - that's ridiculous. You could make 10 treats for the price of one pre-packaged treat.
Now I see the error of my ways. Let's be honest - when will I ever make the treats?
The next time you make a batch of stock or have some left over from a store-bought package, ladle it into 1-cup muffin tins and place them in the freezer
I had heard about this Dr. Who remake on BBC and meant to watch it. I knew it was good but I didn't realize HOW good until I watched the marathon that ran from New Year's Day through to Jan. 2's season finale and last episode with the indomitable actor, David Tennant. I can't believe I sat through most of the two days of episodes which spanned four years of work. My eyes still hurt, but I have to say it was a lot of fun. I highly recommend it. Now, let's see if the new Dr. Who (#11) will live up to the Tennant (#10). I am sure it will.