Hi all -
I publicly promised to not get another cat until way after my spinal surgery (which is tomorrow), but you know I have no will power.
I returned Auggie to the place I adopted him because he need a lot more attention than I can give him and he deserves that. And I deserve to sleep through the night without getting my feet and head chewed on every hour. Siamese cats need, crave and demand attention and I think the person at said adoption org should have heard me when I said, "I am not home for 12 hours per day. Will this cat be ok???" When I retuned Auggie, the ASPCA intake person said, "Oh, they shouldn't have matched you with Auggie." YOU THINK?
Well, we said goodbye and I am sure Auggie will find a more appropriate home - he's just too damn beautiful.
Auggie |
And Auggie likes to bite and scratch, which he did when I put him in the carrier. And he broke skin - so I had to find a GP to give me a tetanus shot and antibiotics. While I was having lunch, wasting time before my MD appt, another very respectable adoption org called me, excited about my application. Now I must mention that I was VERY honest on my application - I wanted a lazy cat, who wanted lots of affection, a lap cat, and who could tolerate being alone for 12 hours a day. The org said they had the perfect cat for me and can I come see the cat? Now, I was just planning to just see the cat. Really. Truly.
Since I had time to kill before the MD appt and the org was on my way, I stopped in. Now the org is famously known for being ridiculously picky about who gets to adopt their pets. They have rejected many and have turned away pets that people want to give up for adoption because they are picky about the ones they choose for in-take. And they never allow same-day adoption. Except for me :) Because I got a 50-foot neon "Sucker" sign on my forehead.
And seriously, Nomi was as advertised. Lazy, loving cat. Now she also is ridiculously timid and she is SLOOOOOWLY getting used to the noises in my apartment/building. However, she hides when people show up. I hope that..oh say in a year, maybe 2, she will be less timid. :)
In the meantime, she is one terrific cat and I have stopped my search. Seriously.
Meet Nomi |
II. Surgery
My spinal surgery is tomorrow morning, bright and early. I am so sick of this neck pain that I am actually looking forward to this procedure. For those who haven't heard me moan on about this, I have several herniated discs in my neck. I've lived with neck spasms and such for more than 10 years and after 6 months of PT last year, I decided to get my neck checked out by another orthopedist who knew their stuff. [Lesson of the day - ALWAYS get a second opinion.] That's when I heard of the disc degeneration. After trying some non-invasive stuff, which didn't work, I finally decided to have surgery.
My stepmom is coming up to help me out, as well as friends Frob, Frussell, and others. I will be recuperating at home by Friday, barring any incidents. Wish me luck :) I'll be back online as soon as I can.