Please educate yourselves before making a foolish decision as forcing single dose vaccines or not giving your child the chance to survive against many deadly diseases. These multidose vials are the best way to counteract childhood diseases across the world. Yes, it is the least expensive as well, but for those who don't know, to change to single dose vials would raise the price of vaccines exponentially. Childhood diseases once rare are now coming back with a vengeance. For example, whooping cough is running rampant across the nation.
I can't stress this enough: THIMEROSAL DOES NOT CAUSE AUTISM. Many clinical trials have proven that thimerosal does not cause autism. Per one clinical investigator:
"Most of the children in the study had blood mercury levels of 1 or 2 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml); the highest level, found in one child, was 4.11 ng/ml. By comparison, the most stringent public safety limit, established by the Environmental Protection Agency, is above 5.8 nanograms per milliliter. That number itself is a small fraction of the amount that scientists believe is the level of mercury that would actually harm a child."