Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Too lazy to post anything real, so here is this...

When They Put Up a Barn, It Stays Up

Old black guy #1: You know who really has their shit together?
Old black guy #2: Who?
Old black guy #1: The Amish.
Old black guy #2: For sure.

--F train

via Overheard in New York, Feb 26, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007


Nobody in New York Knows the Difference between At-Home and Outside Conversations

Yuppie kid: Mommy shaves her hoo-hoo!
Yuppie dad: Okay, honey. Look, do you want your book?
Yuppie kid: I came in the bathroom this morning and asked Mommy what she was doing and she said shaving her hoo-hoo. Mommy shaves her hoo-hoo!
Yuppie dad: Dylan, remember when we discussed at-home conversations and outside conversations?
Yuppie kid: Yes.
Yuppie dad: Well, this is an at-home conversation.
Yuppie kid: Okay, daddy. [Sings to herself quietly] Mommmyyy shaves her hoo-hooo...
Black lady: See, home conversating, outside conversating -- that's bullshit. My kid says shit like that, I smack him. He won't say shit like that again.
Yuppie dad: Okay, thank you, but I think our method works just fine.
Yuppie kid: Lady, do you shave your hoo-hoo?
Black lady: Oh, yeah, that shit is workin' just fine. She's all kinds of polite.
Yuppie dad: Okay, Dylan, this is our stop.

--R train

Overheard by: SandmanEsq

via Overheard in New York, Feb 22, 2007

Monday, February 12, 2007


I got Frannie and Frabney's dog Fiedler on MyPetSmiles.com. He's the springer spaniel with the mullet!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007




Padawan Fraham!

Padawan Fraham

Friend Matt from The Dave and Matt Show used his Jedi senses to see that Fraham is full of midi-chlorians. Here is Fraham practicing with his light sabers. Thanks for the photo, Matt! (har har)

Monday, February 5, 2007


Ok, been on Jenny Craig for two weeks. Lost 3.8 lbs. And am CRAVING house special fried rice, which essentially is fried rice with the ends and bits from other dishes: shrimp, roast pork, chicken, and whatever else happens to be laying around.

JC is quite filling, but there is nothing like giant bowl of carbs and meat.

special fried rice
Photo stolen from The Food Pornographer

Friday, February 2, 2007

Boom boom boom now let me hear you say wayoh (2-2-07)


You know how it's bad luck if a black cat crosses your path? Well, what does it mean when a person eating a slice of pizza crosses your path? For that matter, two people eating slices coming from different directions. What's weird is I am seeing a lot of people walking by eating a slice. Out in the New York air. Down the street. All hours. Eating and walking.

Now, it's been firmly established that I have germ issues. And I find an entire triangle of cheesy pizza to be essentially fly paper to the flying detritus of New York City. So, I still don't understand why I have seen so many people walking and eating pizza lately. And they aren't doing the New York fold either. They are just eating the point and going on in, exposing their slice to the elements.

I can see the appeal of pizza. I can see the appeal of walking. But walking and eating a slice of pizza is really beyond me. It's not hand-holding friendly like a pretzel or a hot dog. It's drippy and, if done right, greasy.

You know I am probably seeing more people eating pizza in the street because I am on a diet. Damn diet.

This week's horoscopes go out to:
The Dave and Matt Show - thanks for the shout out! (Check them out!)
Saumya - see ya tonight!
Bob and Russell - big kiss!

Check out your weekly horoscopes at:
Free Will Astrology
By Rob Brezsny
Horoscopes for week of February 1, 2007
© 1995-2004, Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved.