Saturday, July 21, 2007


At exactly 2:02 p.m., I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

How did I do this if I was supposed to pick up the book this morning? Timeturner!

No, I wish. Instead, last night when I got home around 11 p.m., I thought, I am exhausted and going to bed. Then at 11:05 I thought - I think there are copies of HP7 at Duane Reade. I could wait it out. Instead of futzing around the house as planned, I got a call from Fron who was the unfortunately lucky person to be a "bride's attendant" at a friend's wedding. (HI FRON!)

So, I went to the Duane Reade by me and they didn't have any books. But then I thought, "I am not soooo tired. I will go to the one of 58th and 8th." So I started walking there and then about a block from the store, I saw someone with a Duane Reade bag that looked like it had a giant book in it. So I started walking faster and by the time I got there, they still had a few boxes of books!

So, instead of reading it all day today as planned, I read all night until 6 AM when I passed out and started again at 11 a.m. As Frertischek says, I devour books and I have to say, this one is probably a record for me.

So, when you are finished reading your book, email me. Let me know what you thought of the story.

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