Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Invisible girl

I tried not being on Facebook and turn my focus on my blog,, with links on Twitter and Facebook. I was getting wrapped up in the "news" (some real, some about cute pets) people were sharing and not paying attention to the outside world and my thoughts.

I lasted about three weeks. Not bad, I think.

I am still not on Facebook a lot.

However, I've been watching a lot of crime dramas, especially ones where there are cyber crimes (e.g., CSI: Cyber [horrible, but I'll watch anything], Scorpion). And FB is watching. So is Google. Everyone really is watching. It's impossible not to be followed. I have become a bit paranoid about it all because I was one of the people in the Anthem hack (I feel like everyone I know was on the Anthem list). I also know someone whose SSN was used and the hackers/thieves submitted a tax return in their name. 

First, that's horrible. Second, why submit a return? Like they are going to get THAT much money back? I just do not understand it.

So, now I am trying to mellow out about Big Brother watching. It's inevitable. 

That being said, if you don't hear from me on FB, don't feel ignored. It's because I am hiding in my post-war bunker.

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