Wednesday, August 21, 2002

(orig. post date 8/21/02)

So, thanks to everyone who answered the questionnaire.

This week's horoscopes are dedicated to:
Ann, Bob,Sandy, Steven, Dan/Pluto, Kim, Gobi, Holly, George,Cheryl, Alex, Kevin, Michelle E.

Take a stab at my middle name: Mii-Kyung (Mee-Key-Young)
My favorite answer: Korean translation of GirlLadyFriend

Do I smoke? Truth time: Yes I do. I started up again in April.
This is my favorite answer:Yes, no, yes, no, yes again. I'm hoping I'm missing anew "no" at the end there.

Do I believe in God? In the gods, definitely. There is something that weall believe in, even if it is something that we createfor ourselves. Buddha, definitely. However Buddhareally isn't a god.Some of your answers are:God, no. Buddha, maybe. perhaps if God is a SHE
What's my age? 30!!! And my birthday? Aug. 15

Do I have any siblings? yes, 1 bro, Mike.

What's one of my favorite things to do?Actually, your answers are pretty right on:
Nap in your LazyGal ;-)
See animal planet

What's my favorite type of book to read and how long does it take me to read your basic novel?Romance dressed up as fine literature and I eat them up. It usually takes a couple of hours (I am a very fast reader) and I tend to block out everything while I am reading. I have been known to stay up all night reading. I just can't read one chapter and put a book down.
Your answers:
Trashy British romance under the guise of modernfiction/literature. An afternoon.
Nasty, trashy, disgustingly romantic romance novels, -usually takes about 4 nights of non stop reading preventing you from sleeping.
you INHALE books you don't read them from what i recall.
everybody knows your favorite book to read is hardcore porn.

What is the best feature about me? These are my favorite answers:
you're very tall for your height
You're fun & lively and slothy & relaxed at all the right times.

Am I shy or outgoing? I would say that I am shy, but some of you feeldifferently.
Some of your answers
You can be shy in social situations, but generally outgoing with those you know
Outgoing on the outside - shy on the inside. And about as subtle as a Mack truck.
Pseudo-outgoing. Probably shy, but very loud.

Am I a rebel or do follow all the rules? I think I follow the rules more than I rebel, but your answers made me laugh:
you follow rules
That's tricky - and I'm trying to answer honestly. I think you follow the rules, but subvert them. It's a little more subtle than rebellion; it's more like behaving and misbehaving at the same time.
You follow rules, but not the stupid ones.

Any special talents? I feel that my special talent is listening. But someof you had some different answers:
artiste, excellent writer, damn good at crosswords, knitter
You're not afraid to ask for things; you can make finger puppets; you can take charge.
Animales, technology, decorating with cute things, miniature things
The ability to cut to the heart of a matter.

If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
I love these:
Farty McFartison

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring?
Michelle E. got it in one: a washing machine.
But your answers are not far off at all: your knitting (it's crochet! And did you know I am a member of the Crochet Guild of America?)
Hopefully a cell phone
A cooler filled with sweetened ice tea.
Something to beat me with


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