Wednesday, December 11, 2002

If you had wings, if you had wings, if you had wings, had wings, had wings... (12/11/02)

Did you visit Disney World in the 70s and 80s? Well, I was getting nostalgic and found that the Disney website (I know! They are EVIL, but what can I say? I grew up 3 hours away from that Evil Empire and anytime anyone came to visit, we went to Disney World. I have been there at least 40 times.) that they have audio clips of some of the "retired" rides. Yes, they have retired several rides, most of which were quite boring, but it was the kitsch of it all that made them great. In particular, my favorites were "If You Had Wings" sponsored by Eastern Airlines (remember that?The crazy cop directing traffic of flamingos?[]) and"Carousel of Progress" sponsored by General Electric []. I could spend hours explaining what the rides were like, but I don't have to. Freaks like me have already created web sites devoted to these retired rides. Unbelievable. Now if people would just spend this kind of energy helping each other...


The following has been cribbed from an email from Mark Steyn, who is too brilliant for words:

"Song of Satan: There are two strong contenders at the moment, prime candidate one being Jennifer Lopez with Jenny from the block, which as far as I can tell is a cloying attempt to convince us all that beneath the successful, millionaire, hollywood, pop star exterior she's just the same old j-lo she's always been. Hmm. However, I think I'm going to have to give it to Christina Aguilera for Dirty. In this case it's not so much that I object to the song, it's just that everytime I see the video it makes me want to shake her and tell her to go put on some clothes!"

Girlladyfriend's response: When I see that video, I just want to take everyone in it and make them take a shower and wear something decent. I am tired of Christina wearing bandaids and bad hair extensions onTV. She needs an emergency makeover.


This week's HUZZAHs go out to:

>> Audrey

>> Lori

>> Mark

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