Wednesday, October 12, 2005

ready...set...HIBERNATE (10-12-05)

I turned on full hibernation mode this weekend. First, I ALWAYS forget that I get Columbus Day off so I never plan ahead and go away for a long weekend. Second, it was raining ALL WEEKEND LONG. Third, combine one and two and you get lazy Michelle. She sits in her lazygirl all day long watching bad tv and painting her nails. Not a pretty sight at all.

Super Mario blocks - I have never seen these around Manhattan, but I bet you they are somewhere.

My sister in law, Jen, wrote me a very charming email about life in Iowa and in particular, the food at the Madison County Covered Bridges Festival ( She says there was “cookie dough on a stick (yes uncooked), pork on a stick (no surprise), lamb on a stick, pickles on a stick (the same vendor sold “pop”-the Midwestern way of saying soda)and the big surprise was the walking taco...(a Doritos bag filled with ground taco meat, lettuce and tomato-you eat it with a fork).” Now this is the first time I have heard about the walking taco. I know about eating chili and fritos out of a fritos bag (the Fritos pie), but I have never heard of a walking taco. If any of you have tried it, please let me know how it is/was.

I was at Balthazar restaurant for brunch on Saturday. I wanted to go there because I have been mainlining their potato bread for the last couple of weeks. If I could I would roll around naked in this bread. The bread is that good.
Well, anyway, I went with my friends Steven, Alex and Marcie, who were gracious enough to spend a good sum of money for brunch just so that I could indulge in my bread habit. While there, Kelly Ripa, her husband Mark Consuelos and their many children were having brunch as well. She’s a very tiny person and her husband is hot. My friend (I won’t name names) wouldn’t stop staring. We finally had to drag him away to make him stop staring at Kelly. So sad.

This week’s horoscopes go out to:
Steven, Alex and Marcie - THE BREAD! THE BREAD!

Check out your weekly horoscope at

Free Will Astrology
Horoscopes for week of October 13, 2005

By Rob Brezsny
© 1995-2004, Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

ann & dabney said...

i think kelly's husband mark is hot too.

but i don't have a new and used cars website that your readers may find interesting.

- d