I come down here to spend time with my parents and aid/abet/enable their child-like inability to do things for themselves.
No, that's not entirely true. Most of the time they do take care of situations themselves, sometimes like adults, sometimes like children. The real problem is that they can't talk to customer service reps or schedule anything without most of the time having communication breakdown (situations have been known to escalate to yelling matches). Really, 99% of customer service reps do not know how to communicate with people who don't speak English well. And for many years, I have taken care of finding out what the problem or deal is. For my parents. I am the Translator.
So, since I have been down here, I have:
- Ordered a digital phone/cable/internet package;
- Checked in with the building company re: status on the year-and one-month-long installation of kitchen cabinets;
- Scheduled the building company to come and re-do items they promised to do, including caulking and painting cracks in t0e house's facade and determining why the garage door is two inches shorter than the other doors in the house;
- Scheduled the cleaners for the next month;
- Scheduled and oversaw the fixing of the kitchen refrigerator (the repair person broke the light cover -- and has to send us another one. We'll see when THAT happens. I will probably have to take care of that the next time I come to FL);
- Scheduled, met with and met again with the curtain designers who will be making curtains for two bedrooms and custom cornices for two rooms;
- Called my father's insurance company to find him answers to several questions;
- Researched the problem with some claims on my mother's insurance;
- Hooked up the printer to my father's computer and moved around several wires that he felt were in the way;
- Scanned my mother's computer for viruses.
I am sure there were some other items, but I can't remember them just now.
What a vacation.
I have also been having fun with my mom. We enjoy each other's company. We nag each other. We shop. We love. It's all good. Here are some photos of us hanging out this week:
Mom at California Pizza Kitchen

Me at CPK

Wearing the same Talbot's shirt in the Talbot's dressing room (my mom lurves Talbot's)

Good times....
This week's horoscopes are dedicated to:
>To my lovely friends who annoyingly like to call me while they are in the midst of their commute: Ertischek and Dr. Sandy; I know they mean well, but how come you guys always call while I am in the middle of pooping or something equally as important?
> 糖菓旅行, Marcy and Alex!
>Tasha, who needs a job -- anyone looking to hire a fantastic, detail-oriented smartie with personality? Let me know
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Free Will Astrology
Horoscopes for week of September 7, 2006
By Rob Brezsny
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