Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Ay, yi, yi, yiiiiiii! (9/1/04)

I have some general advice for people who ride bikes:

Ladies or Fashion-forward men: don't wear a skirt while riding a bike.
It's a dangerous act to commit. First, you are showing off your
panties to the world (of course, some may find that to be a bonus); second,
you could get your skirt caught in the spokes of the wheel; and third,
if you are wearing a straight skirt, well, unless you hike it up (see
#1), you will have problems getting down.

Also, please do not walk your dog while riding a bike. That is just an
accident waiting to happen.

Web site of interest:

I don't know who has the time to do this, but obviously there are tens
of hundreds of people who are willing to sacrifice a lot of things to
get the information on line. God Speed, TV Tome, God Speed.

I subscribe to the Best Bets section of New York magazine's web site, Every day, the writer brings a new item or items of
interest to purchase. Most of the time, they are things like cute shoes or a
new purse. However, every once in a while, a gem like the yarmulkebra
is posted. So, hurry down and get your Jewish and goy (you never
know)/shiksa friends.

This week's horoscopes go out to:

>> Alex, Carey, Jennifer and Steven
>> Kim
>> Lori
>> Jen B., Holly, Lynn, Audrey, Danielle, Jen P, Russell, Bob, Ann,
Dabney, Michelle E.

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