As I finally have time (which I should be spending cleaning out my apartment), to write. So here goes.
I was told last weekend, whilst spending a glorious time with the ILOVERMONT crowd at Fren's and Frill's family cabin in West Bridgewater, VT, that I have hangups. I have to beg to differ. I don't have ANY hangups. I do however have lots of amusing and at times jarring quirks in personality and general flaws in my general composition. I feel that a hangup is a negative fixation. I don't think I have those. Except for Ziploc bags and paper towels. I still
am hung up about having those around and using them too liberally.
As for my previous germaphobia, which could (and should) be called a hangup, I have cured myself of it. I won't eat a gooey thing that fell on a table or floor (actually I have eaten gooey something that fell on the table - which fell because I dropped it, mind you. I do
recall something falling on the floor in Vermont and not wanting to eat it, but I don't think I was hungry enough or it was gooey. Or it fell on the lanai next to a million dead bugs. I can't remember.) but I will eat a chip or fry that has fallen on the floor. Within reason. Depends on how hungry or how good that item is.

I also don't wash my hair everyday. Since I have grown my hair out, it takes around 5 hours to let it completely dry naturally and I just don't have the patience. So I let it go. Much to my friend Frob's horror, I have even gone to work without showering (this will probably also horrify my coworkers who are reading this. owell). Sometimes you cannot be bothered. [Note to coworkers: I do shower everyday except for the occasional can't be bothered moments which are far and few between, REALLY. However I will continue to refuse to iron my clothes.] I also grab the handle on the subway without a layer of cotton or tissue or glove on my hand. Of course, I still do wash my hands after I get off the subway, but that's just being smart.
And the biggest triumph over germaphobia - I wear sandals in the summertime in NYC and have always complained about having too MUCH NYC on my feet. Well, I am disgustingly proud to announce I, after having wearing sandals all day all over NYC, recently went to bed without washing my feet.
Disgusted yet? Good.

odd fact: I did get some mosquito bites in Vermont, but they didn't swell up as big as Nut Goodies (see blog for reference). Of course, they did itch, but not horribly. What's really weird is that I got at least 5 bug bites ON THE TRAIN from Boston to NYC and those become humungous and itched like mad. (did I mention that I am allergic to certain mosquito bites, which cause the bitten area to swell up like a giant, hot, itchy peach? that is why I obsessively close screen and regular doors in the summer time. that's NOT a hang up - that's just
survival of the fittest.)
Calling all photogs! Check out the "World in Focus" contest by National Geographic. I know some of you out there are big shutterbugs and I encourage you to apply and, of course, if you win, you are taking me on the trip.
Contest information:
Last year's winners:
What's funny about this contest is that residents of Arizona, New Jersey and Vermont are ineligible. The rules also say that the "CONTEST IS VOID IN ARIZONA, NEW JERSEY, AND VERMONT AND WHERE PROHIBITED." What's up with AZ, NJ and VT?
Jack + Bill Casting Call
Jack + Bill, a New York public relations firm, is holding an open casting call to select four New York fashion up-and-comers to receive free public relations services this summer. This coming Tuesday, July 15 and Wednesday, July 16, Jack + Bill will host an open call to select one model, women's apparel designer, jewelry designer and stylist. Winners will receive free public relations representation leading up to New York Fashion Week, putting their brands in front of
top media, making sure important influencers know their names and spreading the word about upcoming projects.
Tuesday, July 15 and Wednesday, July 16
3:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Sandbox Studios
250 Hudson, Floor 11
A portfolio or look book is required for casting.
To register for the casting call, e-mail your name, phone number, category you're applying for and which casting day you plan to attend to
To learn more about Jack + Bill, full details about the casting call and criteria, visit
For a downloadable casting call flier, visit
** Why did I include this? Because my company is sponsoring Jack + Bill. And I know you know someone who would be good for this.
And from my favorite local astrologer and former roommate, Frasha, here is her blog about current planet+star+everything (dis)alignments!
This week's horoscopes go out to:

- Fren and Frill Frown
- Frannie and Frabney
- Frisaac
- Frilipp
- Frill and Fron
- Frike and Fredwin
- Vermont
- Calvin Coolidge
- Long Trail Ale
- Bloody Marys
- Pimm's
And not necessarily in that order...