Wednesday, July 2, 2008

IWA - A Commentary

You know, it was nice seeing the country via RV and breathing in the clean air of IWA, but after a week there, I have to say, I was missing the grit of New York. Anonymous faces angrily walking down the street - yeah, that's the stuff. In Iowa, everyone says hi. My brother and his family live on what looks to be a set of a Steven Spielberg movie. My brother did confirm though that their house is not on top of an Indian burial ground.

You know what kind of vermin they have in IWA? Bunnies. Big ass bunnies. They eat all of the flora around. Personally, I think I would rather have an infestation of bunnies than rats. But I have to say, the bunnies are the size of giant racoons. Rats, as far as I have seen, only get as big as house cats.

And people are sooooo white. Like really white. Someone asked me, so where in China are you from? Seriously, I had no answer to that.

But it's also very peaceful and a great life. I am happy for my bro, Fren and Fraham. However, I am really happy to be back here in the good, old, grimy, filthy, rat-infested city.

1 comment:

ladyfresh said...

so where in china are you from?

tell em New York

let them ponder that for a minute