Thursday, September 11, 2008

my digs

Fretischek wanted to see what my place looks like now; so here it is. Please feel free to send me any design ideas. I am at a loss to what to do about the place. Paint the walls? Paint the bookcases? I definitely need to recover the chair, but what kind of fabric and what design, if any? Also, need better storage system - the kind that hides everything. Any ideas?

Dresser area:


Bookcase area:


Couch area:

Couch area

Desk area:

Desk area

TV area:

TV area

Bed area:

view from couch

Chair needs a new dress stat!

Chair complete


Mrs. J said...

I love your duvet cover.

annie-san said...

my advice (i've been saying it for years): get that stuff out of the hallway and go VERTICAL, babe. vertical.