Friday, March 4, 2005

One waved back! (3/4/2005)

So there is a certain division at my work that is notorious for its high number of shy, quiet people. And there is quite a high number of older, white-haired men in this group. Every time I pass one of them in the hall, they generally don't make eye contact or make any salutations whatsoever.

For the last three years, I have been making it a point to say hi to everyone, especially the older, white-haired men. It freaks them out and at first, they would just jump and keep on walking. Some would nod their heads. Slowly though, the ice was breaking. One would actually say hello back to me. Another would smile.

Well, we had a breakthrough yesterday. The top white-haired guy actually said hello to me without any prompting from me!!! I have always had to say hello first, but this time, he said hello first! I was totally floored. And oddly enough, it made my day :) I know, I liken these white-haired guys to gorillas in the midst. They are my personal field study. However, I truly believe that even if you don't know the person, you should still say hi to the people who work at the same place you do.

There is this company in my building which takes up three floors (or more). When they get on the elevator, people from one floor will not acknowledge the people from the other floor. Yet they all work together. Now, it could be said that the company is so huge that they can't know everyone. I could agree with that if it wasn't for the fact you know this person is getting on/off on a floor where you work! I mean, does it take that much energy to say hello?

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