Monday, August 28, 2006
Ok, it turns out the the video from a previous post was actually a mock video of this actual commercial for Glico's Pretz. The mock video was actually a porn star making fun of the Pretz commercial and unfortunately is no longer available on YouTube.
What a funny world we live in.
What a funny world we live in.
Weekend in Vermont
Following is a photo montage of my Saturday in Vermont. I was there on Friday and Sunday too, but Saturday was particularly stellar. Much thanks to Annie, Dabney, Al, Leondra, Evan and of course Fiedler!
New England Still Life

You have to love New England -- the changing leaves, the rolling hills, the jalepeno & aged cheddar chips...
You know it is going to be a good day when you have an everything bagel egg and ham sandwich, large cup of joe and a bag of chips just waiting for you.
Saturday in Vermont -- I think it was the 26 of August...
Sailing, sailing over the lake blue.... who knew there was such a nice, big lake in VT?
Me enjoying the sunshine
Annie and Cap'n Al

Dabney and Leondra

Dabney and Leondra
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Fighting crime one town at a time!
Then we went back to Evan's house and played with his sunglasses.
Superfriends Frannie, Frabney and me, Frichelle* fight crime in Vermont!

*Note: Names are changed to protect their identities.
Superfriends Frannie, Frabney and me, Frichelle* fight crime in Vermont!

*Note: Names are changed to protect their identities.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The book of Carbs: My pasta bolognese begat a slice of pizza begat some Triscuits begat a bagel begat fig newtons begat.... (8-24-04)
I have the most uncanny ability to hurt myself. Last time, I got some weird DVT like illness when traveling to Korea, which caused me to get tendonitis -- or tennis elbow, which is hilarious as I don't know how to play tennis. I have had vertigo (twice) and years battling bronchitis (smoking-related). I have a damaged right sinus (one doc wanted me to remove it!!!) and I sleep with my hands tucked under, which has caused carpal tunnel. Yes, I am a walking freak. However, I have recently hurt my hip from exercising too much (I know, I don't know WHOOOOO I am). With the help of a co-worker with an MD, we diagnosed it as bursitis. I got a second opinion from my internist, who agreed it is bursitis. For more info about bursitis, check out the Mayo Clinic's Web site.
I go to my orthopod this afternoon to hopefully get a third opinion and most importantly a cortisone shot and stronger meds.
Now, I know you are wondering exactly HOW I did this. Well, thanks to my friend Annie, I have a video of almost exactly what I was doing when I hurt myself. Check it out!
Thanks, Annie ;)
I have been blogging more and have less concentration this week for my email horoscope. So please check out this past week's blogs at
This week's horoscopes go out to:
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO HOLLY MARIE T in Tallahassee, FL! Girl, what are you STILL doing in that town?
HAPPY THOUGHTS to Albert F., dad to Russell
LET THE LONG TRAIL ALE POUR to Annie, Dabney and Fiedler! Can't wait to see you in Boston/Vermont!
SAD GOODBYE to my Ipod Mini -- although your top popped off, you are still loved!
Check out your weekly horoscope at
Free Will Astrology
Horoscopes for week of August 24, 2006
By Rob Brezsny
© 1995-2004, Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved.
I go to my orthopod this afternoon to hopefully get a third opinion and most importantly a cortisone shot and stronger meds.
Now, I know you are wondering exactly HOW I did this. Well, thanks to my friend Annie, I have a video of almost exactly what I was doing when I hurt myself. Check it out!
Thanks, Annie ;)
I have been blogging more and have less concentration this week for my email horoscope. So please check out this past week's blogs at
This week's horoscopes go out to:
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO HOLLY MARIE T in Tallahassee, FL! Girl, what are you STILL doing in that town?
HAPPY THOUGHTS to Albert F., dad to Russell
LET THE LONG TRAIL ALE POUR to Annie, Dabney and Fiedler! Can't wait to see you in Boston/Vermont!
SAD GOODBYE to my Ipod Mini -- although your top popped off, you are still loved!
Check out your weekly horoscope at
Free Will Astrology
Horoscopes for week of August 24, 2006
By Rob Brezsny
© 1995-2004, Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved.
More Medical Studies of the Ridiculously Obvious...
BMJ-British Medical Journal
"Why are so many people dying on Everest? Personal view: Why are so many people dying on Everest?" BMJ Volume 333 p 452
"Why are so many people dying on Everest? Personal view: Why are so many people dying on Everest?" BMJ Volume 333 p 452
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My friend Frike asked for my help in searching for the ultimate of trophies for his beer pong tourney. I found this amazing chalice of wonder. I have to have one. I must have one. Are you worthy of the "King of Da Hood" Pimp Cup? Are you sucka?! I didn't think so...
I miss the old Martha S.
Today, I am sitting at home, on an ice pack, trying to keep the bursitis in my hip at bay. (that's a long, stupid story which I will tell later) The old Martha Stewart show is on Discovery Home and I have to say -- I love this show. She is currently glueing felt into a drawer so that you can create your own silverware holder. This show was so insane and FULL of useless and useful information. Why did she have to go to the live audience format? She is not personable. She is better as the untouchable ice queen! That's who she is!!! Who cares she went to minimum security jail and made friends? I want to know how she takes care of her heirloom chickens and stores her antique quilts!
Oh Martha, come back to us!
Oh Martha, come back to us!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Treadmill Brilliance
thanks to ladyfresh tasha for the treadmill happiness.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Martha A, come back to the Tiki Lounge for a Scorpion Bowl!

Tung Shing Dragon Scorpion Bowl Recipe
3 oz. Grenadine
3 oz. Pineapple Juice
3 oz. Orange Juice
2 oz. Vodka
2 oz. Gin
2 oz. Rum
1 oz. Bacardi
151 Proof Rum
Mixing Instruction
Fill a Scorpion Bowl half full of ice. Blend alcohol with a cup of ice and the juice. Garnish with a pineapple stick and cherries. Fill center with 151 proof rum and light.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I am not a tall, cool martini. I am more like a flaming scorpion bowl. (8-16-06)
Thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday this past week and for all of those who will after seeing this email ;) I have posted some of the cards received on my blog.
Responses from last week's email:
"Wahwahwah! Who ARE yoooooouuuu?"
-- Lisa D.
"Oh fer cute!"
-- Martha L.
"omg. I'm loving the 'hey, you're lucky I showed up and I am clothed.' I'm totally stealing that already. For use in my own head. I've already caught myself thinking that three times today. 'Cause that's what this week feels like. :-) And then tonight I'm taking a red-eye to Cincinnati for two meetings with [HUGE CONGLOMERATE] tomorrow that I haven't really prepped for... so yeah, I'll be using that phrase again tomorrow..."
-- N
"It is what it is."
-- Matt S.
I have been working out every morning for the last two weeks and suddenly my hip feels like it is being ripped out of the socket. Of course, it is most probably due to overexercising, but I fear that it is really because of my LaZboy chair, aka the LaZgirl. I tend to sit in that chair a lot. Most of the time I am sleeping in it. But lately I have been sitting and playing on my computer while in the chair. And I fear that the chair is getting too mushy and causing me pain rather than pleasure!!!!! Oh what will I do without that chair????
This week's horoscopes go out to:
Michelle E.
Martha A.
Martha L.
Michelle H.
Co-workers who indulged my salt cravings and got me a platter of fries instead of a cake
Check out your horoscope at
Free Will Astrology
Horoscopes for week of August 17, 2006
By Rob Brezsny
© 1995-2004, Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved.
Responses from last week's email:
"Wahwahwah! Who ARE yoooooouuuu?"
-- Lisa D.
"Oh fer cute!"
-- Martha L.
"omg. I'm loving the 'hey, you're lucky I showed up and I am clothed.' I'm totally stealing that already. For use in my own head. I've already caught myself thinking that three times today. 'Cause that's what this week feels like. :-) And then tonight I'm taking a red-eye to Cincinnati for two meetings with [HUGE CONGLOMERATE] tomorrow that I haven't really prepped for... so yeah, I'll be using that phrase again tomorrow..."
-- N
"It is what it is."
-- Matt S.
I have been working out every morning for the last two weeks and suddenly my hip feels like it is being ripped out of the socket. Of course, it is most probably due to overexercising, but I fear that it is really because of my LaZboy chair, aka the LaZgirl. I tend to sit in that chair a lot. Most of the time I am sleeping in it. But lately I have been sitting and playing on my computer while in the chair. And I fear that the chair is getting too mushy and causing me pain rather than pleasure!!!!! Oh what will I do without that chair????
This week's horoscopes go out to:
Michelle E.
Martha A.
Martha L.
Michelle H.
Co-workers who indulged my salt cravings and got me a platter of fries instead of a cake
Check out your horoscope at
Free Will Astrology
Horoscopes for week of August 17, 2006
By Rob Brezsny
© 1995-2004, Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
B-daycard From Freven Kane
And the piece de resistance card, from my pal Freven Kane!
bdaycard from Frannie & Frabney
My mustache-obsessed friends Frannie and Frabney sent this card.
bdaycard from my Fro
This card is from my Fro. I Love my Fro. Of course, none of you are allowed to call me Mo.
bdaycard from Frynn
This card is from my friend Frynn who is currently somewhere in Iraq. Or Friraq. We hope to have pancakes in Jersey soon!
Monday, August 14, 2006
PEER PRESSURE: I caved in again
I am back on myspace. I was getting whiny emails from friends who wanted me back on myspace. So here is my page.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
No More MySpace
I cancelled my whatever to MySpace. I couldn't take it anymore. It was boring. And it was just one more place I had to maintain. And I was really getting sick of the live sex web cam invites. :)
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
MOTORING! What's your price for flight?!!!! (8-9-06)
Everyone has some phrases they say all the time. My bro used to say "whatchamacallit." For example, "Remember when we went to that rest stop and that guy had a whatchamacalli?" My answer is inevitably, "What?" [The first of my favorite phrases.]
I noticed that my friends and I tend to have a Tourette's-like repetitiveness about certain words and phrases. For a while, we were all saying, "Roight, roight, roight..." That's "right" with an obnoxious accent.
Other than "What?" which comes out of my mouth 3,000,000 times a day (It's not that I have bad hearing -- according to my ENT, I have perfect hearing -- but it is because I AM JUST NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU), my other favorite phrases are:
Fav Phrase #2:
(Dramatic eyebrow lift, pouting of lips)
I dropped the "ANYMORE" from the end because it seemed extraneous.
This phrase works particularly well when someone does something so out of character that you just have to recognize it. For example,
Girlladyfriend 1: I have been to the gym every morning at 7 AM this week.
Girlladyfriend 2: I DON'T KNOW WHOOOOO YOU ARE.
Fav Phrase #3:
I actually don't say this one out loud -- I usually say it in my head.
"HEY, you're lucky I showed up AND I am clothed!"
This phrase comes in handy for all sorts of situations, but mostly work-related.
So I recently learned of the concepts of the conscious competence model or matrix. It generally means that people have four different levels of awareness and understand.
First is the unconsciously incompetent. They think not neither do they do it well.
Second is the consciously incompetent. They do think, but they still don't do it well.
Third is the unconsciously competent. They don't think and somehow it still works.
Fourth is the consciously competent. They think AND do.
I am not sure why I am telling you this. There was a good reason. If I remember I will let you know later.
My best friend, Dr. Sandy, sent me the following email:
So I had a thought there are so many reality shows. There's something for everyone.
Take you... I think you would be stellar on Survivor, Apprentice or the Next Superhero.
THANKS SANDY! However I really need modern plumping -- so Survivor's out. And if I was on the Apprentice, I would be kicked off because I know I wouldn't be able to stop myself from running at Donald Trump and mussing up his hair. I would just jump over that table and go crazy on his comb over. JUST CRAZY MESSY!
That would so satisfying.
However, I TOTALLY AGREE about the "WHO WANTS TO BE A SUPER HERO?" This is a reality TV show with Stan Lee (of comic book fame) and he chooses from a group of self-styled "super heroes" the next super hero
for his comic book empire. They have had to battle attack dogs and fight their fear of heights. I could TOTALLY be there. I would be "LaZgirl." TV-watching, LaZboy sitting SuperHero.
this week's horoscopes go out to:
dr. john and doug and annie - go shortie!
dr. sandy -- you're stellar too! - it's yo birthday!
bob and russell - we gonna party like it's yo birthday!
Check out your weekly horoscope at
Free Will Astrology
Horoscopes for week of August 10, 2006
By Rob Brezsny
(c) 1995-2004, Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved.
Everyone has some phrases they say all the time. My bro used to say "whatchamacallit." For example, "Remember when we went to that rest stop and that guy had a whatchamacalli?" My answer is inevitably, "What?" [The first of my favorite phrases.]
I noticed that my friends and I tend to have a Tourette's-like repetitiveness about certain words and phrases. For a while, we were all saying, "Roight, roight, roight..." That's "right" with an obnoxious accent.
Other than "What?" which comes out of my mouth 3,000,000 times a day (It's not that I have bad hearing -- according to my ENT, I have perfect hearing -- but it is because I AM JUST NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU), my other favorite phrases are:
Fav Phrase #2:
(Dramatic eyebrow lift, pouting of lips)
I dropped the "ANYMORE" from the end because it seemed extraneous.
This phrase works particularly well when someone does something so out of character that you just have to recognize it. For example,
Girlladyfriend 1: I have been to the gym every morning at 7 AM this week.
Girlladyfriend 2: I DON'T KNOW WHOOOOO YOU ARE.
Fav Phrase #3:
I actually don't say this one out loud -- I usually say it in my head.
"HEY, you're lucky I showed up AND I am clothed!"
This phrase comes in handy for all sorts of situations, but mostly work-related.
So I recently learned of the concepts of the conscious competence model or matrix. It generally means that people have four different levels of awareness and understand.
First is the unconsciously incompetent. They think not neither do they do it well.
Second is the consciously incompetent. They do think, but they still don't do it well.
Third is the unconsciously competent. They don't think and somehow it still works.
Fourth is the consciously competent. They think AND do.
I am not sure why I am telling you this. There was a good reason. If I remember I will let you know later.
My best friend, Dr. Sandy, sent me the following email:
So I had a thought there are so many reality shows. There's something for everyone.
Take you... I think you would be stellar on Survivor, Apprentice or the Next Superhero.
THANKS SANDY! However I really need modern plumping -- so Survivor's out. And if I was on the Apprentice, I would be kicked off because I know I wouldn't be able to stop myself from running at Donald Trump and mussing up his hair. I would just jump over that table and go crazy on his comb over. JUST CRAZY MESSY!
That would so satisfying.
However, I TOTALLY AGREE about the "WHO WANTS TO BE A SUPER HERO?" This is a reality TV show with Stan Lee (of comic book fame) and he chooses from a group of self-styled "super heroes" the next super hero
for his comic book empire. They have had to battle attack dogs and fight their fear of heights. I could TOTALLY be there. I would be "LaZgirl." TV-watching, LaZboy sitting SuperHero.
this week's horoscopes go out to:
dr. john and doug and annie - go shortie!
dr. sandy -- you're stellar too! - it's yo birthday!
bob and russell - we gonna party like it's yo birthday!
Check out your weekly horoscope at
Free Will Astrology
Horoscopes for week of August 10, 2006
By Rob Brezsny
(c) 1995-2004, Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved.
Monday, August 7, 2006
Why I Hate MySpace
I just got invited to a live sex webcam group on
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Date fighting?
In today's Pediatrics journal, a great new study was published. And it has a fantastic title:
"The Relationship Between Watching Professional Wrestling on Television and Engaging in Date Fighting Among High School Students"
"The Relationship Between Watching Professional Wrestling on Television and Engaging in Date Fighting Among High School Students"
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