Fren and Frabney came to visit this past weekend; so we went to the American Museum of Natural History (which is an awkward name - why not just call it the Natural History Museum and be done with it?).
While there, I was suprised to see some of my relatives stuffed and in exhibits. For example:
distant cousin martha twice removed

distant cousin martha's husband mortimer

I saw fifth cousin who was studying for his exams.

I also ran into Birdie and Scooter, family friends.

I finally got to meet third cousin boo boo's new wife marnie . . .

. . . and catch up with my aunt ginnie and cousin berkfield.

I was devastated to find that THIS is where my pets hugo and fred wandered off to so long ago.

Overall, it was nice to catch up with the family.
Fren B. and Frillipp recently asked, "What's up with the 'Fr' before people's names?" Well the reason for this is because I found out that people were googling people's names and those people found more information about other people than they should really know. Now, I have no problems hanging my laundry out to dry, but my friends' laundry, well, that's a different story.
So, the FR-language was born.
I have to say though that I find it infinitely amusing that one of the people who was looking up a friend of mine also works at the same place where I work with other people. So, here's to you, Frarris Frotman (sp)!
This week's horoscopes go out to:
> Frolly T in Tallahassee - HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY
> Frabney and Fren - great having you here
> Fraul (Frapu) and Frike, Frasha and Fraron - yummy thai!
> Fren Frark in Iowa - thanks for listening
> Frichelle Frertischek - look forward to seeing you this weekend!
Check out your weekly horoscopes at
Free Will Astrology by Rob Brezsny
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