Wednesday, June 25, 2008

IWA or BUST: On the road to nowhere

Finally, we started on our journey to IWA (that's Iowa, not the Imaginary Wrestling Association that notyomomma found - LOL). Of course, after a week of catering to my parents' every need, I stayed up for leaving FL. But only for a little while. It got boring. So I immediately went to the back of the RV and slept in the bedroom. What people don't tell you about RVs is that it's very bumpy. Smooth but bumby. And the back of the RV gets to most movement. And the bedroom was dark and had a little window. So essentially it was a womb. It was awesome!

Before I passed out, I took photos of the parents enjoying the ride. Here's mom, chillin on the sofa. Of course the sofa is leather and slippery; so she is gripping on for dear life. Good exercise!

Mom resting in RV, somewhere in FL

Here's dad wondering where the closest Korean restaurant is:
dad on RV, leaving Clermont

I woke up 6 hours later, in GA. That was certainly a surprise. Here's part of GA:
Somewhere in GA

And here is a shot of me before I took my second nap.

me in RV, leaving Clermont

And of course, regardless where we are, my parents can find a korean restaurant ANYWHERE. I am serious. You can stick them in the middle of Borneo and they will find a Korean restaurant somewhere. So, pretty soon after my second nap of the day, we arrived here for dinner:

my parents can find a korean restaurant anywhere, this one in GA

After which we bunked in for the night at the local Marriott. It was a great first day. I slept through most of it. Mission accomplished.

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