Before I passed out, I took photos of the parents enjoying the ride. Here's mom, chillin on the sofa. Of course the sofa is leather and slippery; so she is gripping on for dear life. Good exercise!

Here's dad wondering where the closest Korean restaurant is:

I woke up 6 hours later, in GA. That was certainly a surprise. Here's part of GA:

And here is a shot of me before I took my second nap.

And of course, regardless where we are, my parents can find a korean restaurant ANYWHERE. I am serious. You can stick them in the middle of Borneo and they will find a Korean restaurant somewhere. So, pretty soon after my second nap of the day, we arrived here for dinner:

After which we bunked in for the night at the local Marriott. It was a great first day. I slept through most of it. Mission accomplished.
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