Friday, August 15, 2008


It's my birthday. Yep - I am THIRTY-SIX YEARS OLD! And it's a rat year - which makes it a very auspicious year for all those born under the sign of the Rat in 1972-73. Every 12 years your sign rolls around and if that year happens to be your sign AND it's your birthday (so, 12, 24, 36, 48 years, etc), well, big changes are to happen. I expected all sorts of big things to happen this year and I got them. Mom had a lung transplant; dad had coronary bypass surgery; my family took an RV trip from FL to IWA; I missed two months of work and miraculously didn't get fired or laid off; and I got rid of the Lazygirl (my giant recliner).

So, in honor of my birthday today, take it easy. Relax. Enjoy.


This message goes out to Fraul U and everyone else who hasn't been to the doctor in years. Fraul who is a little older than me does not have a primary care physician and hasn't had a true physical in years. Oh, he works for a giant medical company and considers getting his blood pressure taken by colleagues to be a checkup, but darling, this intervention is for you. Please go to the doctor and get a REAL checkup. Sure nothing has been wrong with you ever, but why not rest Frike's anxiety and just go to the doctor. Just do it. What's the big deal? Couple of hours outside of work. A few probes and a couple of tests and bing, bang, boom, you leave. What's so hard about that? And you will give your loved ones (Frike) and friends (me) peace of mind that truly everything with you is ok.

And for all of you who have never had a full physical, it's time.

To really find out what I have been thinking, go to my blog,

This week's horoscopes go out to:
ME - for getting through this year in one piece
Frolly T in FLA - happy belated
Fradeleine - baby birthday!
Fralex and Frarcy - congrats on the new digs
Check out your weekly horoscopes at:
Free Will Astrology
By Rob Brezsny
© 1995-2008 -- Rob Brezsny. All rights reserved

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