Sunday, November 26, 2006


I came home early from Boston Thanksgiving 2006 because I wasn't feeling well. There was fire department tape surrounding the deli and building next door. Obviously there was a fire there. All the lights in the building were out and there were boards in some of the windows and some glass over the sidewalk. Pretty scary.

I didn't think anything of it considering my building looked okay. Until I walked up to my apartment and this is what I found:


It turns out that the fire department bashed through my door to get into my apartment. They wanted to get in and make sure that my building was okay. So they punched some holes into my wall to see if the fire had jumped into the walls of my building.


Thankfully, no fire in the walls.

1 comment:

martha said...

oh my goodness! are they going to fix that soon? Do you need to stay on our couch?
