Sunday, March 18, 2012

I really am THAT person, 10034

In NYC, windows don't tend to have screens.  Or if there are screens, they have holes.  I suppose I could get a professional in and have the windows fitted with screens, but that takes time and money.  The point is flies get in.  Usually the giant garbage fly kind. Those giant ones which actually make a buzzing sound when they fly around.  And they live forever.  I started looking for a fly swatter but instead found this magical item - an electric bug zapper that is shaped like a tennis racket.  Really.  It didn't cost that much and why the heck not?  It would put the fly out of its misery in a short electric zap, right?

Well as it happens, a garbage fly got into the apartment and was buzzing around.  I finally had my chance to use this sucker.  So I turned it on and tried to remember how it worked.  I swatted it around trying to get the bug to show some interest in it.  Finally, the bug came near enough to it that the swatter zapped it.  And it scared the crap out of me.  The entire metal head lit up blue and a smoky smell came out of it.  Freaked me out.  But then I noticed that the damn bug was still flying around.  but I figured it would die eventually.  I mean it got electrocuted.

So instead of a quick death, it got a slow agonizing death.  I finally found it on the floor.  Poor thing.  RIP 2012 - 2012.

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