Monday, March 12, 2012

it's been a while

i don't know if people still read blogs.  i sure haven't in a while.  blogs take time to write. and read.  instead we have twitter and facebook which requires us to read a sentence.  if that.  usually just a few words and a link.  which we will eventually read.

so current status update:  high on pain meds again.  I may have a herniated disc in the neck.  Or spinal fluid leaking because of a disc bulge.  doesn't that sound tasty?  so the most i really can do is sit, watch tv, nap, and surf the web.  I have been cautioned by someone I work with who shall remain anonymous from posting too many strange updates on facebook.  so instead I am going to blog.  LOLOLOLOL.  fight the power. more later!

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